The Chef's Hand Project
The cutting board, is a culinary tabula rasa. Kitchen preparations involve repetitious, daily prep work for cooking the meals that emerge from restaurant kitchens. The images made from these cutting boards provide visual records of skill, artistry and labor, made visible in this intersection of food and art. The Chef's Hand Project is an ongoing, national project that records the individual "hand" of master chefs. Each chef is given a thin, blank plastic cutting board to use in kitchen preparations. The cutting boards are then printed as drypoint prints and as photo-reversals that reveal extreme knife skills, personality and labor by documenting the unique marks. 2019-Ongoing
Dona Abramson, New York, NY
Jody Adams, Boston, MA
Karen Akunowicz, Boston, MA
Linda Lau Anusasananan, San Francisco, CA
Linda Carucci, San Francisco, CA
Joanne Chang, Boston, MA
David Codney, Los Angeles, CA
Simon Davies #1, Chicago, IL
Simon Davies #2, Chicago, IL
Simon Davies #3, Chicago, IL
Simon Davies #4, Chicago, IL
Jerry Divecchio, San Francisco, CA
Tiffani Faison, Boston, MA
Sandra Felix, Los Angeles, CA
Jake Hetnarski #1, New York, NY
Jake Hetnarski #2, New York, NY
Ted Hopson, Los Angeles, CA
Sherry Hughes, Boston, MA
Sheila Lucero, Denver, CO
Emily Luchetti, San Francisco, CA
Brooks Holliday, Denver, CO
Anito Lo #1, New York, NY
Anita Lo #2, New York, NY
David Marks (Stoddard's Cutlery), Newton, MA
Mistrain May, San Francisco, CA
Marsha McBride, San Francisco, CA
Alice Medrich, San Francisco, CA
Alexandra Motz, Minneapolis, MN
Sara Moulton #1, New York, NY
Sara Moulton #2, New York, NY
Anne Moynihan, Newton, MA
John Nicholas, Massachusetts and Rhode Island
Pammy's Bread Station, Cambridge, MA
James Passafaro, Minneapolis, MN
Steve Phelps #1, Sarasota, FL
Steve Phelps #2, Sarasota, FL
Gayle Pirie, San Francisco, CA
Adam Simha (MKS Knives), Cambridge, MA
Sami Tamimi, London, England
Paul Turano, Needham, MA
Chris Willis, Cambridge, MA
Justin Winters, Boston, MA
Patricia Rain, San Francisco, CA
Susan Regis, Cambridge, MA
Amaryll Schwertner, San Francisco, CA